Flood Pump Generator Power Supply - South Golden Beach

  • Project typeFlood mitigation
  • Project value$581,523
  • Project scheduleJune - August 2024
  • Completion Date30 August 2024
South Golen Beach Flood Pump 600x400.jpg

South Golden Beach is a housing area built on low lying land and it is intersected by Yelgun Creek (also known as Capricornia Canal). 

The Eastern side of the area is protected by a levee on the bank of the canal. Storm water drains are also fitted with non-return flood gates that pass through the levy, which assists with preventing tidal water coming into the canal. 

When the canal water level is high and the flood gates are closed, the estate is protected by a flood pumping station near the Western end of Gloria Street.

Funding will allow for a back-up generator to be purchased and installed which will mean that the flood pumping station can continue to work during a power outage. This will reduce the risk of flooding on the Eastern side of the area. 

Work schedule:

  • This project will commence in June and is expected to be completed by the end of August 2024 (dependent on weather conditions). 
  • Working hours will be from 7am to 4pm Monday to Friday, and 7am to 12pm on Saturday.
  • There will be minor noise and vibration from earthworks and drainage works.
  • There will also be some minor vegetation clearing in order to undertake the works.
  • There will be minimal disruption to traffic.

Funding amounts:

  • $410,000 from Australian and NSW Government (AGRN 1012) for project management, planning, civil and drainage works. 
  • $171,523 from NSW Reconstruction Authority (NRRRP) for supply and installation of the generator.  

Total: $581,523. 

Funding acknowledgements:

This project is funded by the Australian Government through the Emergency Response Fund administered by NSW Reconstruction Authority’s Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program 2022-23.