A to Z Waste & Recycling List


Item Location icon Where does it go?
Aerosol Cans
Red landfill bin

Put in red landfill bin.

Full or partly full cans contain chemicals that contribute to global warming. Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre.

If they are empty, they still pose a risk and need to go into landfill.  

Air Conditioner
Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo
Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre

Air conditioners contain refrigerant gas that is harmful to the environment if the coils are punctured.
There is a fee of $50 per unit so that it can be degassed.
Aluminium can  
Yellow recycling bin
Put in yellow recycling bin. 
Aluminium foil  
Yellow recycling bin
Put yellow recycling bin.

Please ensure the foil is clean and in a ball about the size of your palm. 
Appliances  Community-Recycling-Centre-LOGO.png

Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (free).

Remove batteries.

If they are still in working order, there are some op-shops that accept appliance donations or you could sell online. 

Asbestos   Prohibited Waste.

The Bryon Resource Recovery Centre does not accept asbestos.

You can collect a free asbestos testing kit from Council's Head Office in Mullumbimby.

You can also purchase a Household Asbestos Removal Kit from the Byron Resource Recovery Centre for $50. 
Baking Paper 
Red rubbish bin
Put in red landfill bin.

Baking Paper has a wax coating and cannot be recycled. 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.

Balloons are very harmful to the environment, avoiding use is best. 
Batteries (Car)
Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (free). 
Batteries (Household and Rechargeable)
Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (free).

You can also drop at one of our Specialty Recycling Centres
Bamboo food containers and cutlery Rubbish bin
Put in red landfill bin.

Rubbish bin
Donate to your local charity shop. 

If you cannot find anywhere to donate it, put in the red Landfill bin.
Bicycles / bike parts (poor condition, rusted)  
Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo
Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre .
Biodegradable Plastic.   
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.

Biodegradable packaging does not mean compostable.

Biodegradable plastic cannot be recycled in your yellow bin.

It can still cause harm to the environment if not disposed of properly.
Biscuit trays  
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.

Biscuit trays are often made of a low grade plastic and they are difficult to process in the machinery.
Bones (meat and fish)  Green organics bin Put in green organics bin.

Keep in the freezer until the night before collection. 
Yellow recycling bin
Put in yellow recycling bin.

Make sure to remove and plastic and hard coverings or binders.
Bottle tops  
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.

Small items can get stuck in the machinery and become a hazard.
Branches  Green organics bin Put in green organics bin. 
Bread tags  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Bricks (separated)  
Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre
Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre
Broken toys   
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin. 
Bubble wrap   
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.
Cables and cords    Byron Resource Recovery Centre   Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre 
Yellow recycling bin
Put in yellow recycling bin.

Remove tape and flatten. 
Cardboard (soiled) and take away containers  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.

Cartons (milk and juice). Lids off clean.

 Yellow recycling bin Put in yellow recycling bin.

CD covers  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.
Cellophane  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.
Chip and snack food packets 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.
Cigarette butts   Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.

When you are out in public put in one of the enviropole cigarette bins located on public place bins. 
Cling wrap   Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Clothing   Red landfill bin Donate to your local charity shop, use as rags or put in red landfill bin.

You can also try clothing recycling programs like Upparel.
Coffee cups and lids (all kinds) 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.

Coffee cups contain a plastic or bio-based lining that needs to be separated from the paper. 
Coffee grinds   Green organics bin Put in green organics bin.

You can use in your garden soil.
Coffee pods 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin. 
Compostable bin liners (certified AS4736)
Green organics bin

Put in green organics bin

If they do not have this certification put in red landfill bin.

Compostable waste icon


Compostable packaging (certified AS 5810)
Red landfill bin
Put in your home compost or put in red landfill bin.
 Computers Community-Recycling-Centre-LOGO.png Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (free).
 Concrete (separated) Community-Recycling-Centre-LOGO.png  Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre
Crockery and ceramics
Red landfill bin
Put in your red landfill bin if they are broken.

For items in good condition, take to your local charity shop or the Byron Resource Recovery Second Hand Shop.
Cutlery (disposable)  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 

Electronic Waste


Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (free).
Green organics bin
Put in green organics bin.
Envelopes, paper (including windows)  Yellow recycling bin Put in yellow recycling bin
Envelopes (plastic postage)   
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.


Item Location icon Where does it go? 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin or donate to your local Charity Shop.
Face masks  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.
Fire extinguisher
Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (free).
Flower and dead plants  
Green organics bin
Put in green organics bin.
Foam underlay  
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin. If it is too large for the bin, drop off at the Resource Recovery Centre
Food pouch  
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin 
Food scraps (all)
Green organics bin
Put in green organics bin. 
Byron Resource Recovery Centre
 Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre.

Fridges container refrigerant gas that is harmful to the environment if the coils are punctured.
There is a fee of $50 per unit so that it can be degassed.
Furniture   Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo Donate to your local charity shop or the Byron Resource Recovery Second Hand Shop.
Or drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre
Garden trimmings 
Green organics bin
Put in green organics bin. 
Garden waste (bulk)   Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre
Gas bottle 
Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (free). 
Glass jars and bottles 
Yellow recycling bin
Put in yellow recycling bin, lids removed. 
Glass plates, drinking glasses,
pyrex, glass from frames 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin. 
Grass clippings 
Green organics bin
Put in green organics bin. 
Rubbish bin
Put in red landfill bin. 
Hazardous chemicals 
Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre.

If you have large quantities or are unsure call 1300 652 625.  
Hose and pipe 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin. 
 Ink / Printer cartridges Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo  Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the The Byron Resource Recovery Centre
Junk mail (paper)   
Yellow recycling bin
Put in yellow recycling bin. 


Item Icon Where does it go? 
Kitty Litter 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.
Laminated paper   Red landfill bin Put in red landfill Bin. 
Green organics bin
Put in green organics bin.
Lids (smaller than a credit card) 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.
Lids (larger than a credit card)   
Yellow recycling bin
Put in yellow recycling bin.
Light bulbs and tubes   Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (free).

You can also drop off at one of our Specialty Recycling Stations
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.  
Yellow recycling bin
Put in yellow recycling bin. 
Mattresses   Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo

Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre for recycling.


Meat scraps (animal and fish) 
Green organics bin
Put in green organics bin.

Keep in freezer until night before collection. 
Meat trays (foam and plastic) 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin. 
Medical Waste 
Red landfill bin 
Put in red landfill bin. 
Medicine bottles (no lids)
Yellow recycling bin
Put in yellow recycling bin. 
Mesh and netting 
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin. 
Mirror (broken)
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin.  
Mobile phones 
Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre.

You can also drop off at one of our Specialty Recycling Stations
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin, including compostable nappies.
Yellow recycling bin
Put in yellow recycling bin. 
 Paint (less than 20 litres)  
Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre
 Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the The Byron Resource Recovery Centre
 Paint tins (empty up to 4 litres)  Rubbish bin  Put in red landfill bin.
 Paper (dirty or wet) Rubbish bin  Put in red landfill bin.
 Paper (clean)
Recycling bin
 Put in yellow recycling bin. 
 Paper towel (used) Rubbish bin  Put in red landfill bin. 
 Pens and pencils Rubbish bin  Put in red landfill bin.
 Pet waste Rubbish bin  Put in red landfill bin.
 Pill packets (all / blister packs)  
Rubbish bin
 Put in red landfill bin.
 Pizza boxes  
Rubbish bin
 Put in red landfill bin.
 Plastic bags and soft plastics
Rubbish bin
 Put in red landfill bin.
 Plastic containers and bottles. Lids off and clean.  
Recycling bin
 Put in yellow recycling bin. 
 Plaster board / Gyprock  
Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre

 Drop off at The Byron Resource Recovery Centre


 Plastic cups, plates, cutlery
Rubbish bin
 Put in red landfill bin. 
 Plastic plant pots - empty  
Rubbish bin
 Put in red landfill bin or drop off at The Byron Resource Recovery Centre
Rubbish bin
 Put in red landfill bin or drop off at The Byron Resource Recovery Centre 
 Poppers and other Tetra Pak's  
Recycling bin
 Put in yellow recycling bin. 
 PVC Pipe  
Rubbish bin
 Put in red landfill bin or drop off at The Byron Resource Recovery Centre

Q R S  

Item  Location icon  Where does it go?
Razors (disposable)   Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Rope  Red landfill bin   Put in red landfill bin. 
Rubber products   Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Sanitary items   Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Seafood   Green organics bin Put in green organics bin. 
Scrap Metal 
Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo
Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre. 
Serviettes and napkins (used paper) Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
 Sharps and syringes   Drop off at your local hospital or allocated sharps collection  location.
Shoes  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Shredded paper Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin, or home compost. 
Soil (small amounts only) 

 Green organics bin Put in green organics bin. 
Steel tins and cans (clean and empty)  Yellow recycling bin Put in yellow recycling bin.  
Strawberry and other plastic fruit punnets.    Yellow recycling bin Put in yellow recycling bin.
Straws (plastic & paper)   Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.   
String and twine   Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.  


Item Location icon Where does it go? 
 Takeaway foam containers and cups  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Tea bags  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.
Tetra packs  Recycling bin  Put in yellow recycling bin.
Timber - Small off cuts, treated or untreated Red landfill bin

Put in red landfill bin.


Tissues  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.
Tooth paste tubes   Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.  
Toothbrushes  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.   
Treated pine (bulk) 
Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo
Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre.  
 Trigger, spray and pump lids
Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin. 
Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo
Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre
Vacuum cleaner dust  Red landfill bin
 Put in landfill bin.
Vinyl (such as school bags) Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.  
 Wallpaper Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.  
Washing machine / dryer lint Red landfill bin  Put in red landfill bin.
Waxed paper/cardboard Red landfill bin
Put in red landfill bin. 
Weeds Green organics bin Put in green organics bin.  
White goods 
Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo

Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre.  

Refrigerators and air-condition units can be dropped off at a cost of $50 per item.

Only household quantities accepted. Maximum container size 20kg or 20L. 

Window glass Byron Resource Recovery Centre logo

Drop off at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre.

Windscreen glass  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Wine cask inners Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Wipes Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Wrapping paper (plastic) Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.
Wrapping paper (paper) Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin. 
Drop off to Community Recycling Centre at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (free). 
Yoghurt containers Yellow recycling bin  Put in yellow recycling bin.
Red landfill bin
 Put in red landfill bin.
Zip lock bags  Red landfill bin Put in red landfill bin.

Can't find an item? Let us know!