Accessibility and connectivity
Pedestrian access will be prioritised as the main access strategy to the site. A critical requirement of the masterplan process and any future works is improving accessibility within the park. Improving accessibility within the park:
- increases the potential park uses and users
- opens the opportunity for connecting the park to Mullumbimby town centre.
Hydrology and drainage
Much of the park is in flood flow zones and all of it is in potential inundation areas.
Existing key drainage locations will be upgraded to ensure positive drainage throughout the site. The main upgrades proposed will be:
- planted drainage swales
- rain gardens
- regrading of some areas to limit pooling of water.
These works can also positively impact the biodiversity of the park and add to existing environmental education assets such as the Arboretum.
Vehicle access
The onsite car parking and vehicular access consumes large expanses of the park in valuable positions, meaning these areas cannot be used as public open recreational space.
Prioritising people oriented open space and riparian health will mean the removal of informal car parking and vehicular access from the northern end of the park.
Car parking to the western river access will be upgraded and rationalised with accessible car parking.
This will improve safety, ecological issues, and enhance usable public open space.
Tincogan Street intersection
Improving the safety of the Tincogan Street / Brunswick Terrace intersection was a key outcome of the site analysis and community consultation.
Changes are required to the intersection to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety.
Adjustments proposed include:
- pedestrian refuge traffic islands
- carriageway adjustment
- adoption of left hand turn only for vehicles entering Tincogan Street from Brunswick Terrace or entering Brunswick Terrace from Tincogan Street.
Ecology and habitat
Reducing the destruction and loss of the riparian zones is imperative for the environmental and ecological health of the site.
Riparian vegetation along the riverbanks is essential for bank stability and the protection of the park and wildlife habitat.
Strengthening of the riparian zones will be undertaken by:
- implementing planting strategies to reinforce the existing riparian corridors
- removal of weed species.
In areas where the riparian vegetation has been impacted, planting areas will be widened. Vehicle access to riparian areas will be managed and/or removed.
Improving limited and aging infrastructure
Upgrades and refurbishments to existing infrastructure as well as additional facilities will be incorporated into the park. Proposed upgrades include:
- shelters
- playground
- benches
- picnic tables
- pathways
- bridges
- drainage systems
- car parking
- river access.
This will create a more usable, appealing and welcoming space for a wide range of community members. Existing infrastructure should be retained where possible.
Boat ramp river access and open space use
There are currently formal and an informal boat ramps in Heritage Park. The formal boat ramp is under-utilised due to poor access and insufficient river depths. The informal boat ramp is having significant negative impacts on riparian health.
The solution promoted in this masterplan is to provide 'soft' river access from within the park- kayaks, canoes-and relocate boat access facilities to river areas outside of the town centre of Mullumbimby.