Bangalow Streetscape Materials Design Guide

Feedback closed Friday 19 January 2024

People walking down the main street of Bangalow, known for its hertitage shop fronts and character.

The Bangalow Streetscape Materials Design Guide aims to support the village keeping it's heritage character.

The guide looks at the materials and treatments to be used when doing future work in public spaces.

Once adopted the guide will be used by Council when replacing things like:

  • Street furniture
  • Footpath paving
  • Garden beds
  • Rubbish bins

It will also be available to guide developers when they need to do works in the street in front of their property.

The guide will be referenced in the Byron Shire Development Control Plan (DCP) 2014, Part E, Chapter E2 Bangalow.

The need for this guide was identified in the Bangalow Village Plan and has been promoted by community representatives on the Place Planning Collective. 


We recently requested feedback on the below draft documents. 

Submissions closed Friday 19 January 2024.

All feedback was reported to Council on 28 March 2024. Both draft documents were adopted.

You can review the adopted Bangalow Streetscape Materials Guide and DCP chapter on our Development Control Plan 2014 webpage.