Development Advice Services

We provide a range of development advice services to help answer your planning and development enquiries.

Getting advice early can save you time and reduce costs.

The three levels of development advice are:

  1. Level 1 - Development support services. A free service providing initial or general planning and development advice.
  2. Level 2 - Development related advice that may be more complex or involve research. 
  3. Level 3 - Development Advisory Panel for people who intend to lodge a development application and would like early advice.

Level 1

Our Development Support Officers provide a free development support service to assist with: 

  • Fee quotes for all development related applications.
  • General advice about State and Local Government regulations.
  • Reviewing and accepting all development related applications.
  • Advice about Exempt and Complying Development.
  • Coordinating Development Related Advice requests and Development Advisory Panel meetings. 

Complete the request form

Or phone 02 6626 7025 during office hours.

Level 2

Development related advice is provided by planners or other technical officers.

Advice can be in writing or provided at a meeting.  

This service can also be used to review development consent conditions.

Step 1.Complete the online application form

You will need to pay the application fee of $227 per hour. One hour is charged on application.

Other fees may apply depending on the complexity of the advice. This includes:

  • Research relating to a dwelling entitlement - $681 ($227/hour - min 3 hours).
  • Research relating to the lapsing of development consents - $454 ($227/hour - min 2 hours).
  • Endorsement of legal documents - $473.

Apply for Development Related Advice

Step 2.Council reviews application

We will contact you if we need more information.

If you have requested a meeting, this will be arranged.

Step 3.Research

One of our technical officers will conduct research of available documents.

Step 4.Issue advice

Once completed, we will email the advice to the address provided on the form.

Processing times vary.

Level 3

Development Advisory Panel meetings are for people who intend to lodge a development application and would like critical advice in the early stages of the planning and design of their development proposal.

These meetings help identify key issues. They do not investigate every detail which is covered through the formal development assessment process.

Step 1.Complete the online application form

You will need to pay the application fee of $679 and upload plans and/or documents for the meeting.

Apply for a Development Advisory Panel meeting

Step 2.Council reviews application

We will contact you if we need more information.

A meeting will be scheduled.

Step 3.Meeting

Experienced professional officers will meet with you and go through any issues you have raised in the application form.

Meetings usually take place at Council's Administration building, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby. 

Step 4.Minutes prepared and distributed

Once completed, we will email the minutes of the meeting.

Processing times vary.