Federal Drive open to traffic again

Published on 22 July 2024

Staff, Mayor and Councillors in hi-vis standing at side of newly sealed and marked road

After being closed for more than two years Federal Drive reopened to traffic on Friday 19 July.

The road was badly damaged during the floods and weather event in March 2022, with a landslip making the road unsafe for traffic.

“The reopening of the road was a terrific day for the Federal community, and I know that there will be a lot of happy drivers, especially with the start of the school term this week.,” Mayor Lyon said.

“The closure of Federal Drive because of the landslip had a massive impact on the community, with people having to take detours on narrow, rural roads to get to school, work and the shops.

“The closure of the road for such a long time was inconvenient and big thanks to everyone for their patience,” Mayor Lyon said.

The $23 million reconstruction of Federal Drive was funded by the Australian and NSW Governments through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements after the 2022 floods. 

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