Check the Emergency Dashboard for updates from BOM, SES and LiveTraffic.
Emergency Dashboard
Council offices, depot & the Resource Recovery Centre are open.Bin collection resumed on Monday 10 March. Residents can drop off storm related green waste for free at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre. Proof of address needed.
More info about waste services & Council facilities
If you want to use the footpath or other public place outside your food business to seat and serve food or drinks to your customers, you'll need to apply for approval.
The Footpath Dining Guidelines(PDF, 958KB) will help you prepare your application.
Complete the form to get approval to use Council land. You will need to include a site plan.
Request for approval to use or occupy Council owned land
Footpath Dining Application Form
Once we are satisfied with your application, we will email an invoice for payment of application fees.
Things to note
Email PES@byron and include:
Where the business has changed ownership a new footpath dining approval will be required.
Have you recently taken over a food business? Are your food business registration details up to date?
Visit our Food Safety page for more information.