Road naming in a new subdivision

This information will guide you in preparing and submitting an application for a new road name or names for a subdivision.

Using a standard method for naming roads helps the following to deliver goods and services:

  • emergency responders
  • transportation
  • businesses.

Council approve road names for public and private roads, such as community title roads. 

Road names must comply with Council’s Street Naming Policy

We must notify all relevant parties as required by legislation and cannot proceed with a proposal to name or rename a road against an objection made by a relevant party.

The Geographical Names Board (GNB), under the authority of the Surveyor-General, is a relevant party and will object if the road naming proposal does not conform to the principles of Section 6.7 of the NSW Address Policy and User Manual 2021

Use the GNB’s Road Name Evaluation tool to check to see if there are any issues with the road name/s you are proposing that may lead to an objection.

You will need to include in your application:

  1. At least two names for each proposed road listed in preferential order.
  2. The location and extent of the road. For example east-west direction, starting at the estate entry in the west and ending at the eastern boundary of the estate.
  3. A background or history of the preferred name/s.
  4. Details on how the selected name complies with our Street Naming Policy and the NSW Address Policy.
  5. Details on why the selected name is appropriate for the location.

You will need to submit:

  1. A locality plan. *
  2. A layout plan showing proposed road/s and preferred name/s. *
  3. The results from the GNBs Road Name Evaluation tool demonstrating no potential issues for each of the proposed names.

* Both of these plans will be published on our website.

Complete and online form.

Road Naming form

We will review the information, if it is satisfactory, we will invoice you the application fees

When the fees are paid, we will:

  1. Advertise the proposed names for community consultation for 14 days.
  2. Forward the information to the Geographical Names Board (GNB) for their decision.
  3. If it is approved by the GNB, we forward the approval to you. If it is rejected, we will advise you of the next steps to take.