There are over 60 different species of mosquito in the Byron Shire but only a small number cause nuisance-biting problems or spread disease.
Mosquitoes are a natural part of the local environment and provide food for a range of fish, frogs, birds, bats and other insects.
Mosquito problems are generally greater close to the coast. As well as breeding in natural environments, some pest mosquitoes breed in backyards.
Tackling Mosquitoes Together is a pilot behaviour change program to reduce the disease risks and nuisance of mosquitoes in homes and communities in the Northern Rivers.
To make it easy for you to reduce the risks, we have developed the Tackling Mosquitoes Together SMS program.
The SMS program includes:
- helpful tips and reminders to reduce mozzies in your backyard
- handy hints about how to protect yourself, your family and community from mozzies
- fun videos, images and links to more information.
- SMS will also be sent based on seasonal and weather factors, including tides and rain fall.
You also get an education pack of resources and mozzie repellent.
Join the program and start taking action in your backyard today. Sign up at the Tackling Mosquitoes Together website