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We held an Arts and Creative Industries Forum on 25 November 2022 at Brunswick Picture House. The aim was to brainstorm ideas for the creative future of Byron Shire with key collaborators and organisations.
The event was an opportunity for artists, creatives and industry to connect and provide feedback to Council.
Panel discussions
There were two panel discussions during the event with arts industry professionals and organisations, plus focus group discussions.
Speakers included:
With Mick O'Regan, MC.
Art-Forum-speakers.jpg (JPG, 101KB) Art-Forum-Mayor-and-Councillors.jpg (JPG, 123KB) Art-Forum-people-enjoying-the-forum.jpg (JPG, 148KB) Art-Forum-person-asking-a-question.jpg (JPG, 73KB) Art-Forum-person-asking-question-of-speakers-and-crowd.jpg (JPG, 90KB) Art-Forum-Sarah-Ndiaye-speaking-with-a-community-member.jpg (JPG, 100KB)
Photo credit: Jaka Adamic