Property & Rating Certificates

Apply for a property or rating certificate before you buy, sell, build or develop your land. This includes Section 603 Certificates and Flood Information Certificates.

A separate application is required for each land title lot. The exception is for rating certificates where multiple land title lots are valued and rated together.

Processing times will vary depending upon the certificate and property type.

Apply for a certificate online

The following certificates are available online:

A planning certificate provides information such as:

  • the zoning of the land
  • permissible and prohibited land uses
  • details of exempt and complying development
  • development controls and hazards. 

Planning certificates are issued under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A) and supporting regulations. 

There are two types of planning certificates:

  • Section 10.7 (2) Certificate – $69.00. This certificate includes information specified in Schedule 2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021


  • Section 10.7 (2) and (5) Certificate – $174.00. This certificate includes additional information such as dwelling entitlement, private land burials, contaminated land and Biodiversity Conservation Agreements.

An additional urgency fee of $91.00 is payable for processing within 48 hours.

Extra fees may apply when determining the dwelling entitlement on a property for Section 10.7(2) and (5) Certificates. These may include the cost of historical title searches and an additional administration fee of $45.

Rating - Section 603 – $100.00

An additional urgency fee of $87.00 is payable for processing within 24 hours. 

Section 603 certificates provide information about:

  • rates and charges levies
  • account balance information
  • water usage based charges.

Information up to the last quarterly meter reading taken by Council is provided.

A Section 603 certificate is usually requested by legal representatives for property conveyance. They are issued as a requirement of the Local Government Act 1993.

How to apply

To apply for a certificate online:

  1. Complete the applicant details.
  2. Select the certificate/s you require.
  3. Enter the property details.
  4. Make payment using your Visa or Mastercard.

You will be issued with a tracking number once the application and payment is successful.

We will process your application and your certificate will be emailed to you, usually within 5 working days.  An additional urgency fee is payable for requests for processing within 24 hours.

Apply for a Section 603 Certificate

More information

Contact Council's rating team if you have any further questions.


Outstanding Notices Certificate - $177.00

An additional urgency fee of $227.00 is payable for processing within 24 hours.

An Outstanding Notices Certificate lists any current or outstanding notices and orders issued by Council for a particular property.

The provisions are contained in section 735A of the Local Government Act 1993 and clause 41 of Schedule 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (formerly section 121ZP).

We also provide a list of any outstanding notices and orders issued by Council under the provisions of any other Act under which it is authorised to do so. Notices issued might include:

  • unauthorised building works
  • stormwater works
  • overgrown properties
  • unsafe or unhealthy conditions.

Sewer Location Diagram - $65.00

An additional urgency fee of $12.00 is payable for processing within 24 hours.

This provides both:

  • Sewer Service Diagram showing the internal lot sewer layout and connection to Council’s Sewer (if available).
  • Sewer Location Plan showing Council’s sewer infrastructure in relation to the lot.

Sewer diagrams for strata subdivisions are provided on the common property only.

Please contact Council on 02 6626 7142 if you wish to confirm whether or not the subject land is sewered prior to applying. No refunds will be given once the application has been submitted.

Water Meter Reading - Special - $115.00

Urgent processing of these readings is not available.

Council will read the water meter/s and provide details of the water usage and billing information since the last quarterly billing period.

Flood Information Certificate cost - $192

A flood information certificate can tell you about:

  • Flood risks.
  • How high you should build.
  • What level a flood may get to.

You can request flooding information from us if the property is within a flood model catchment.

  1. Use our online mapping tool to find out if there is any flood information for your property.  
  2. Use the online form to apply for your certificate.

If your property is not within a flood model catchment displayed on the map, we do not have an adopted flood study for that area. For example, for areas that fall outside of the Belongil Creek, Tallow Creek, North Byron and Marshalls Creek catchments.

If a flood information certificate is not available for your property, you may have to contact an engineer experienced in flooding to find out about the flood risks for your property. 

For more information contact a Development Support Officer 02 6626 7025 

Council does not know each customer’s reasons for seeking the information. Customers are encouraged to obtain professional advice specific to their requirements regarding the information.

For more information visit Flood Zones

This certificate does not provide certification to satisfy Exempt and Complying Development requirements. If your property is within a flood model catchment, you can apply to Council for a certification that the property is not within a flood storage area, a floodway, a flow path, a high hazard area, or a high-risk area using Council’s Development Related advice form.