Council offices, depot & the Resource Recovery Centre are open.Bin collection resumed on Monday 10 March. Residents can drop off storm related green waste for free at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre. Proof of address needed.
More info about waste services & Council facilities
Check the Emergency Dashboard for updates from BOM, SES and LiveTraffic.
Emergency Dashboard
Sign up to receive your rates and water notices by email (eNotices) or via internet banking (BPAY View). Plus save time and pay your rates online.
You can still pay your bill by using one of our payment methods.
An eNotices account will give you the ability to:
Your eNotices reference number is located on the front of your notice at the bottom.
Sign up for eNotices
Check your email inbox for an email activation link.
You have 48 hours from the date of the email to click the link before it expires.
Once registered you can log in to your dashboard then view and pay your rates and water notices at any time.
Use BPAY View® to receive, pay and store your notices electronically in your online banking.
Once registered your online banking provider will notify you via email, SMS or bank message reminder when a new notice is received.
Visit BPAY View® or contact your online banking provider for further information.