What to do With e-Waste
We provide free drop-off of e-Waste items at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre, including:
- Televisions
- Computers
- Laptops
- Mobile Phones
- Cords and cables
- DVD and CD players
- Photocopiers
- Fax machines
There are also a number of Speciality Recycling Stations for recycling mobile phones, batteries and light bulbs in the following locations:
- Bunnings Warehouse, Byron Bay
- The Cavanbah Centre, Byron Bay
- Ocean Shores Shopping Centre
- Byron Bay Woolworths
- Byron Shire Council Administration Office, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby
- Bangalow Bowling Club
Call Council's Resource Recovery Hotline on 1300 652 625 for more information.
Why e-Waste is a problem
e-Waste is one of the fastest growing types of waste in the community and takes up valuable space in landfill sites and is potentially harmful.
Computers and other electronic equipment are made from hundreds of different materials. Many of these materials are inherently valuable, such as gold and platinum, and many are non-renewable. If they can be extracted they can be reused in manufacture again as a 'secondary' raw material.
Heavy metals including lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic are used in electronic equipment. When recycled, they reduce the level of potentially harmful contaminants in waste going to landfill.
Printer inks and toners often contain potentially hazardous materials such as carbon black and cadmium.
Benefits of recycling e-Waste
- Saving landfill space due to reduced e-waste volumes entering landfill.
- Recovery of raw materials such as glass, precious and non-precious metals, and plastic.
- Reduced contamination of landfill sites.