Affordable Housing Project in Station Street Mullumbimby

We are progressing with the redevelopment of the car park between McGoughans Lane and Station Street in Mullumbimby to provide affordable rental housing for low to medium income households.

The development aims to provide:

  • 32 one and two-bedroom apartments.
  • Ground floor shops fronting Station Street. 

We are expecting the preferred Community Housing Provider (CHP) to be confirmed and publicly announced by the end of 2024 and housing to be available by 2026/27.

The project is a collaboration with Landcom, NSW Government’s land and property development organisation. 

Community housing providers

CHPs were invited to express their interest in the project.

Council has now resolved transfer the freehold interest of the land to the preferred CHP who will co-design the residential complex with Landcom as the project managers and manage the ongoing tenancies.

To ensure the land remains designated for affordable housing, we have resolved that it will be transferred back to the Council if it is no longer used for this purpose.

Current status

Council considered a report providing an update to the previous resolution and to seek formal resolution to enable the land transfer freehold title as per the agreed project terms.

How will community be consulted?

This project is categorised as a community significant development, in our Community Participation Plan.

This type of project requires community consultation before a development application is lodged.

The community can also have their say during the formal consultation period for the development application. 

See the project Timeline on this page for more understanding of the project stages.

What is happening to the carpark?

Council is currently exploring options for a new public carpark. Our aim is for it to also be within an easy walk to the shops.

The current carpark will remain until the new one has opened.

Will the housing stay affordable?

The housing will be retained as affordable long-term through either:

  • The land transfer freehold title to the preferred CHP partner with a covenant to secure the use of the land for affordable housing in perpetuity.
  • The transfer back to Council in the event the CHP no longer intends to provide or use land for affordable housing.