Community Initiatives Grant

Each year, we invest in community projects that deliver positive social, cultural and environmental outcomes. These projects also promote community participation, inclusion and cohesion.

The Community Initiatives Program awards grants for community projects that:

  • Address a specific need.
  • Build a sense of community.
  • Align with Council priorities.  

Incorporated community organisations and community groups auspiced by an incorporated organisation are eligible to apply for grants of up to $5000.  

How to apply?

Step 1.Before you apply

Step 2.Apply online

Use the online form to apply.

Apply for a Community Initiatives Grant

You will need to upload your budget template plus evidence of not-for-profit status. You may also wish to supply other supporting documents.

Step 3.What happens after applications close?

  1. Applications will be assessed by the panel.
  2. The panel's recommendations report will be taken to Council for final decision.
  3. You will be notified of the outcome after the 15 August 2024 Council meeting.

Assessment criteria

Projects will be assessed by a panel using the following criteria:

  1. Meeting community needs: the project supports activities and services needed by local communities.
  2. Building a sense of community: the project develops a vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive community.
  3. Increasing community participation: the project encourages participation in activities or services needed by the community.
  4. The organisation’s capacity: the applicant has the capacity to deliver the project on time and within scope.


  • Incorporated organisations with an ABN or proof that you are not required to be registered for GST.
  • Not-for-profits.
  • Indigenous corporations.
  • Auspiced groups.

1. What is an incorporated organisation?

An incorporated organisation is a community group that has registered as a legal entity, that is separate from the individual members. You cannot register as an incorporated organisation if you are planning to operate as a business or to provide monetary gains to members.

2. What is an auspice arrangement?

An auspice arrangement is when a larger organisation supports a smaller organisation to apply for a grant if they don’t meet the criteria to apply themselves. For the Community Initiatives grant, the organisation applying needs to be incorporated, if they aren’t, they will need to be auspiced by an organisation that is.

3. Can I apply for the same project several years in a row?

Council has a preference that funding will not continue beyond three years for the same event or project. This allows us to support other emerging and start-up projects.

4. Will late applications be accepted?

No. The online system will not accept applications submitted after the advertised closing date of 30 June 2024. If you have problems submitting your application, you should contact the Community Development team on 02 6626 7000 at least two business days before the deadline to seek assistance.

5. Do I need to finish the application in one go?

No. Applications may be saved, revisited and edited before being submitted.

6. How can I confirm that my application has been submitted?

Once you click submit, you’ll receive a confirmation email. The confirmation email will contain a copy of your application and will be sent to the email you nominated in the application. Please check that you receive the confirmation email and retain it as a record of your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your application may not have been successfully submitted or the confirmation email may have ended up in your email junk folder.

7. We don’t have an ABN - what should we do?

If your organisation does not have an ABN, you will need to complete a Statement by a Supplier form and upload it with your application.

8. What should I include in my budget?

Your budget should:

Be GST exclusive
Include a breakdown of expected income, including any in-kind contributions or other funding sources. Include a breakdown of expected expenditure, including specifying which items you intend to purchase with Byron Shire Council grant funds.
Balance. Please note, total income must equal total expenditure.

9. What documents should I include with my application? 

You must provide:

  • Evidence of not-for-profit status
  • Project budget using Council’s template.

10. Can I include other documents?

Yes. You may also attach other relevant documents if you wish, for example letters of support from the community, your organisation's annual reports or evidence of public liability insurance. 

11. What happens after applications close?

Applications are reviewed for general eligibility and then are assessed by a panel.

Applicants will be formally notified of the outcome of their application after the 15 August 2024 Council Meeting. It is an applicant’s responsibility to ensure all contact details are up to date.

12. What Council acknowledgement is required for my project?

All recipients of funding are required to acknowledge Byron Shire Council’s contribution of financial support. As part of your funding agreement organisations agree to acknowledge the Council’s support in material published in connection with your project. A copy of Council’s logo will be provided to successful applicants.

Please contact the Community Development team on 02 6626 7000 or email if you have any questions.

Mullumbimby Sound Trail -Brunswick Valley Historical Society Museum
Development of a sound trail, accessed by mobile phone, includes interviews, history, personal stories, natural soundscapes and music with text, images and maps connected to locations around Mullumbimby. Awarded $5000.

Christmas Cheer in the Bay
A range of festive activities to be held around the Byron Bay Visitor Centre over the Christmas period. Awarded $5000.

Humans of Bruns
Interviews with people from Brunswick Heads whose stories and photos will be posted on Instagram and Facebook and celebrated in a public exhibition. Awarded $2,500.

Japanese play and language group – Japanese Community Byron Bay
A Japanese play and language group for recently arrived families and children in the Byron Shire.  Activities will include child development, language and cultural support and information about child and family support services. Awarded $5000.

Mullum SEED community open day and quarterly gatherings
The community open day and regularly gatherings will bring together diverse organisations and disadvantaged community members to the Mullum SEED Eco Hub. Awarded $5000.

raise the heART
A comedy theatre show, wellbeing forum and workshops held by health professionals and a local theatre company with a focus on promoting mental health and suicide prevention. Awarded $5000.

Wellbeing Mentor Training Program – Shedding Community Workshop Inc
The Wellbeing Mentor Training Program supports 20 existing volunteer mentors with six days of training on topics including non-violent/compassionate communication, mental health first aid, counselling, meditation, and conflict resolution. Awarded $5000.

Spaghetti Circus outreach program – Spaghetti Circus
The Spaghetti Circus outreach program will take a junior performance troupe on a one-week, inter-generational tour of the Byron Shire, visiting five preschools and four aged care facilities. Awarded $4927.

Pianos for the People – The Foundation for Creative Intelligence
The installation of a Pianos for the People at Kohinur Hall to encourage community activation, connection, and resilience after the floods. Awarded $5000.

Summer in The Pocket – The Pocket Public School
The Summer in The Pocket festival will focus on community connect and the celebration of community spirit. Awarded $5000.

The Byron Women’s Space – Trustee for the Byron Bay Community Benefit Fund
The Byron Women’s Space operates from the Fletcher Street Cottage and supports women at risk of homelessness.  A program will provide wellbeing support and facilitate engagement with service providers. Awarded $5000. 


  • Bringing people and community organisations together.
  • Celebrating a sense of identity, diversity and cultural connection within the community.
  • Improving community health and social wellbeing.
  • Helping people to develop the skills and confidence to contribute to community life.
  • Enhancing places where communities gather.
  • Increasing access and inclusion for people who are vulnerable or disadvantaged.