Belongil and Tallow Creek entrances closed

Published on 06 March 2025

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Council is alerting Byron Bay and Suffolk Park residents to an increased flood risk for low-lying properties, with both Belongil and Tallow Creek entrances now closed to the ocean.

“The storm surges have pushed sand into the mouth of both creeks blocking their entrances,” Council’s Infrastructure Recovery Coordinator, James Flockton said.

“This is a problem because the current cyclonic conditions and force of the ocean, is making it hard for the creeks to open naturally and remain open - alleviating some of the inundation and flood risks.

“The size of the swell and force of the ocean also mean that Council manually opening the entrances using machinery will not work – they will rapidly silt up with sand and naturally close again,” Mr Flockton said.

“What we’re now faced with is a no-win situation where lots of rain is needed to enable the creeks to push back against the ocean to be able to open naturally.

“And a lot of rain is unfortunately likely to result in the over-topping of these creeks causing inundation and flooding to low-lying properties.”

“We are monitoring both creeks very closely and as soon as we can do anything that will have a positive impact on release of water, we will be mobilising.

“Please factor this new information about the closure of Belongil and Tallow Creek ICOLLs, and the likelihood of flood impacts on low-lying areas of Byron Bay and Suffolk Park into your preparations today, closely monitor conditions and heed the advice of and warnings of the SES,” Mr Flockton said.

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