Have your say on Council’s most important document
Published on 16 December 2024
It’s time for the community to have a say on Byron Shire Council’s most important document, the Draft Community Strategic Plan 2035, which is on extended public exhibition over two months until 9 February.
“The Community Strategic Plan is a 10-year guiding document that sets out the vision and objectives for the whole of Byron Shire, and it must be reviewed after an election,” Council’s Director Corporate and Community Services, Es Davis, said.
“We get out and collect fresh feedback from our community and this year we did this via surveys, in-person pop up stalls around the Shire, and workshops.
“A massive thank you to everyone who gave their time to share big and little ideas for the future of the Shire,” Ms Davis said.
“As a result of community feedback, we’ve made changes to ways in which we plan to achieve community objectives. We’ve also made it clearer how the plan will be carried out by including more detail around who will be involved and how.
“Excerpts from recent community engagement have been included to illustrate the community’s key issues and priorities.
“And we’ve also provided information about how we plan to work with traditional owners as well as a section on disaster resilience to tell the story of recent events which have profoundly impacted the community,” Ms Davis said.
The vision statement in the draft CSP is: "Byron Shire is meeting place where people can come together to connect, share, grow, inspire and create positive changes.
The five objectives for Byron Shire are:
- Effective Leadership - We have effective decision making and community leadership that is open and informed
- Inclusive Community - We have an inclusive and proactive community where diversity is embraced and everyone is valued
- Nurtured Environment - We nurture and enhance the natural environment
- Ethical Growth - We will responsibly and resiliently navigate growth and change
- Connected Infrastructure - We have connected infrastructure, transport and facilities that are safe, accessible and reliable.
The CSP will feed into Council’s four year delivery program and annual operational plan which are being developed for adoption next year.
The Draft Community Strategic Plan will be on public exhibition until 9 February 2024 and you can share your views and thoughts via an online form on the website, over the phone, or in person at Council’s Customer Service Centre in Mullumbimby.
Check out the Your Say webpage on Council’s website for more information Draft Community Strategic Plan 2035 - Byron Shire Council