Planning for future pools and aquatic facilities in the Byron Shire

Published on 08 October 2024

cartoon graphic of people splashing in pool and person under umbrella sitting near the edge

Lap swimming, learn-to-swim, water polo, rehabilitation or just cooling off…Council is looking at what residents want when it comes to future pools and aquatic facilities in the Byron Shire.

“With the Mullumbimby pool now topping more than 65 years in operation and the Byron Bay pool built in 1966, it’s time to plan for redeveloping or replacing these valued community facilities,” Malcolm Robertson, Manager Open Spaces and Facilities, said.

Over the past two years consultants have spoken to many pool users and asked them about aquatic facilities needed in the future.

“Based on feedback, and other factors such as cost, suitable sites and flood risk, Council has a preferred option.

The preferred option is an upgrade of the Byron Bay War Memorial Swimming Pool on the existing site and a new facility at Mullumbimby on land at Lot 22 Stuart Street, near the recreation ground.

Council is proposing the following facilities at both pools although Mullumbimby will also have a heated, indoor 20m program pool:

  • New, accessible, eight lane, solar heated 50m pool for year-round use and suitable for water polo. 
  • A split wall to divide the pool into two x 25m pools.
  • Smaller heated pool for swimming programs. 
  • Splash pad for children.
  • Family-friendly and accessible change rooms.
  • Café
  • Seating and outdoor areas.

“We want to know if our preferred option will meet people’s needs because the next step is to start applying for grants to fund the planning of the aquatic centres, which are estimated to cost more than $76 million,” Mr Robertson said.

“Doing major improvements to an existing pool, or building a new aquatic complex, takes a lot of planning and a lot of money but the first step is to have a plan to work from.

“When we apply for funding we need to show the State and Federal Governments what we will spend the money on, and one thing they will want to know is if the plans for aquatic facilities have been presented to the community for feedback,” Mr Robertson said.

“The proposed location of a new aquatic facility in Mullumbimby is in a flood area and fill would have to be brought in as part of the development,” Mr Robertson said.

“The land at Lot 22 Stuart Street is already zoned for public recreation but the Plan of Management for the area would need to be changed to allow for this type of development.

“I am really hoping the community will share their thoughts with us so we can start sourcing funding for these important community assets,” he said.

Information about the future pools and aquatic facilities project, and how to make a submission, are on Council’s website.  

Submissions close on 4 November 2024.


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