Planning some building works? Get the proper approvals in place first

Published on 14 August 2024

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Friendly reminder: if you’re planning to build, renovate or change the use of a building on your property – it is illegal to proceed without the proper approvals in place.

This is the message from Council’s Director Sustainable Economy and Environment, Shannon Burt, who is concerned about a recent spike in building and works taking place around the Byron Shire (including those deemed to be Complying Development) without proper approvals.

“We’re observing an increase in unauthorised development and that information is coming to us from both staff and the wider community,” Ms Burt said.

“It’s not a case of just do it and deal with the consequences later.  That is not only unsafe, but also an approach that means ratepayers are copping the bill for investigations and legal or enforcement action against those doing the wrong thing.

“In response to community concerns, Council is now looking to implement a random audit process for Complying Development Certificates issued by Private Certifiers,” Ms Burt said.

Complying development is a combined planning and construction approval for straightforward residential, commercial, and industrial development that can be determined through a fast-track assessment process. It can be assessed and determined by a council or a registered certifier without the need for a full DA.

“In recent times we have started to see complying development certificates that have been issued and that do not satisfy the requirements for or meet the pre-determined development standards of complying development,” Ms Burt said.

“Please do the right thing and talk to Council staff before you plan any buildings works, or changes or additions to existing buildings.  Find out your obligations and save yourself costs and a lot of time and inconvenience in the long run.”

For more information go to Development Advice Services on Council’s website.

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