Business strategies and research

View our local business strategies, statistics and reports.

Business, Industry and Visitor Economy Strategy

We’re bringing together all our business sectors under one strategy.

The Business, Industry, and Visitor Economy Strategy is being developed to provide a clear direction for a resilient, adaptable, and sustainable economy.

This Strategy continues the work of several Council projects including:

See the project’s Your Say page for more information.

Land Use Strategies

To support business, Byron Shire Council also prepares land use growth management strategies as below. These strategies guide Council’s decision-making and key actions to manage future growth of in our Shire.

Economic Statistics Dashboard

We provide access to a range of tools including data from the latest Census.  This information may be of interest to community groups, businesses and investors.  

Byron Shire 

View the Byron Shire Economics Profile

Northern Rivers Region

View the Northern Rivers Region Economics Profile

View the Northern Rivers Region Community Profile


Byron Shire Tourism Monitor

The Byron Shire Tourism Monitor is an independent report using official tourism data prepared each quarter for Byron Shire Council. 

Byron Shire Tourism Monitor Year ending December 2023(PDF, 1MB)

Byron Shire Economic Health Check Report 2022

The Byron Shire Economic Health Check Report is a comprehensive analysis of the local economy.

It covers:

  • current economic position
  • recent trends
  • drivers of recent change
  • strategic sectors
  • a localised strength, opportunity, weaknesses, and threat (SWOT) analysis.

It is useful for assessing the current state of play in our local economy and a crucial step in the development of a business industry and visitor economy strategy.  

Download the Byron Shire Economic Health Check Report by .id (informed decisions)(PDF, 2MB)

Business Surveys

Survey for Flood impacted businesses 2022

To better understand the implications of recent flood events on businesses and various industry sectors in Byron Shire, Council conducted a survey from Thursday 7 April to Wednesday 4 May 2022.

Download the survey for flood impacted businesses key findings report(PDF, 902KB)

Business Impacts, Resilience and Continuity Survey 2020

To better understand the implications of COVID-19 on businesses and various industry sectors in Byron Shire, Council conducted a fortnightly survey from May - July 2020.

Download the Business Impacts, Resilience and Continuity Survey 2020 key findings report(PDF, 195KB)

Business Survey 2017 to 2018

We conducted research in 2017 to understand the current and future needs of our local businesses. More than 1000 businesses participated in the online survey between September and December 2017.

Download the Business Survey 2017 to 2018 report(PDF, 4MB)