Byron Local Environmental Plan LEP 1988

A Local Environmental Plan (LEP) helps Council to:

  • Regulate the ways land can be used
  • Zone and classify land for a range of uses such as for housing, commercial and industrial development, open space and rural development. 
  • Ensure development is appropriate and environmentally sensitive
  • Protect land through zoning and development controls.

It is a legal document prepared by Council and approved by the NSW State Government. 

We operate under two LEPs.  

Local Environmental Plan 1988

A number of areas with environmental values throughout the Shire and coastal zoned lands were deferred from being zoned in the Byron LEP 2014 and remain under LEP 1988 controls. These areas are known as Deferred Matter (DM) and are shaded white on the LEP 2014 land zoning maps

Council's development support officers can also assist you with a land zoning enquiry. 

The West Byron urban release area, along Ewingsdale Road Byron Bay, falls under 1988 LEP controls, however we are working on a planning proposal to transition this area into Byron LEP 2014.

West Byron urban release area and zoning maps

On 14 November 2014, Byron LEP 1988 was amended in relation to the West Byron urban release area. The site is now zoned for a combination of residential, business, light industrial, public recreation and environmental purposes. 

Land use controls that apply to West Byron urban release area are contained in Part 4 of Byron LEP 1988.

1988 Amendment Number 66

A number of enquiries have been received relating to development within zone 7(f2) urban coastal land - Clause 32(4) of LEP 1988. This clause refers to a specific LEP amendment map which is available below: