Council offices & depot are closed from 2pm (Cavanbah Centre 4pm) Tuesday 24 December to Thursday 2 January. The Tip and Tip Shop are closed on public holidays.For emergencies call the after-hours line 02 6622 7022. For anything else Report it online
Find out more - EXTRA bin collection & contact details
Work that was due to be done in mid-late December on Main Arm Road between Motts Road and Dry Creek Road has been postponed because of wet weather.We are hoping work will start in early January, subject to contractor availability.
We are repairing damage to roads and infrastructure in Main Arm caused by the 2022 floods.
In the Main Arm area, works include repairing:
Road, drainage and maintenance work from Monday 25 November between 7am and 5pm.
Please avoid parking vehicles on the road.
Between Main Arm Upper Public School and Motts Road (Upper Main Arm)
Site investigation and planning
We are currently doing site investigations and planning for the following works. Details of expected construction is provided in the table.
The table provides a description of works by location. Use the numbered markers on the maps below to view these locations.
For example, if you see "Main Arm Rd 5" on the map, you can look at the table to find out what repairs are planned there.
Construction in late 2025 to early 2026
Construction early to mid 2025
Select an image to view in full screen.
Main Arm Valley Palmwoods Road projects 1 to 4
Main Arm Valley repairs 2 to 9
Main Arm Valley repairs 10 to 17 and Upper Main Arm