The Sandhills Wetland is in the heart of Byron Bay, behind Lawson Street and Massinger Street.
The area was heavily sandmined in the 1960s which destroyed the original wetland.
We are restoring the Sandhills Wetland to:
- Improve the biodiversity on the site.
- Improve the water quality at Clarkes Beach.
- Create a welcoming space for our community to connect and enjoy.
Features of the Sandhills Wetlands
The proposed design includes approximately 1.8 hectares of wetland and includes:
- Three interconnected wetlands, including open water zones that can manage stormwater and improve water quality.
- A network of shared paths, providing access through, and around, the wetlands.
- Seating along the paths.
The aim is to:
- Create nature-based recreation and cultural education activities.
- Encourage community use of the space.
- Improve access between key sites in Byron Bay and discourage anti-social behaviour in the space.
Stormwater and flood management
Once established, the proposed stormwater management system is expected to improve the water quality at:
- Clarkes Beach
- Belongil Creek
- Cumbebin Swamp.
It will also help manage stormwater and flooding in the town centre by adding significant flood storage.
Environmental Impact Statement
An assessment of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of Sandhills Stormwater Management System was on public exhibition throughout December, January and closed on 19 February 2024.
At the 28 March 2024 meeting, Council approved the EIS for the wetlands, which is due to be constructed in 2024.
A preliminary concept design has been prepared by Australian Wetland Consulting and Planit Consulting prepared the Environmental Impact Statement.
The objective of the Environmental Impact Statement is to:
- Ensure relevant environmental, social and economic impacts are identified and assessed.
- Identify mitigation measures to avoid and minimise negative impacts.
Environmental issues being assessed include:
- Biodiversity
- Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage
- Flooding, hydrology and groundwater
- Soils, contamination and water quality
- Noise and vibration
- Air quality
- Traffic and transport
- Visual amenity
- Social impacts
- Hazard and risk
- Waste management.
View the Environmental Impact Statement documents over on our Your Say Byron Shire page.
Construction works
Work started in late August and will take about eight months to complete.
Construction of the wetlands involves:
- Removal of approximately 15,000 cubic metres of material and associated vegetation.
- Extensive landscaping incorporating native trees, shrubs and aquatic plants.
- Major sewer upgrade to service the area east of the wetland.
- Massinger Street shared path connecting the wetlands to Lawson Street.
Designed in consultation with Arakwal and Tweed Byron Aboriginal Lands Council
The project has been designed in consultation with Arakwal and Tweed Byron Aboriginal Lands Council, using an approach that:
- Acknowledges traditional connection with Country.
- Respects the cultural significance of the area.
- Preserves Aboriginal cultural heritage.
- Improves the health of Country.
- Includes cultural awareness and education opportunities.
- Completes the link from Byron Bay through Sandhills Estate to the Arakwal Cultural Centre site.
History of the Sandhills Estate and Wetlands Site
The Sandhills Wetlands area was heavily sandmined in the 1930's, which destroyed the original wetlands.
For many years the Sandhills Estate, which is in the heart of Byron Bay, was overgrown and under-utilised, with a resulting increase in anti-social behaviour.
In 2020, Council developed a staged precinct plan for the Sandhills site.
This delivers the vision of the Byron Bay Masterplan, to provide a safe and accessible public spaces that combines ecological and cultural values with circulation routes and recreation activities.
Stages of the Sandhills Estate Precinct Plan
- Stage 1 – Tennyson Street upgrades to extend pedestrian/cycle paths from Suffolk Park to Sandhills Estate and provide some additional parking – completed in 2021
- Stage 2 – Cowper Street pedestrian pathway upgrades – to improve north/south access through Sandhills Estate - completed in 2021
- Stage 3 - New Middleton Street public toilets – completed in 2023
- Stage 4 - Gilmore Crescent upgrades that completed the pedestrian/cycle link from Suffolk Park, through Jarjumirr Park all the way to Main Beach, improved the road and created additional parking.
- Stage 5 – new Main Beach public toilets – completed in 2023
- Stage 6 – Jarjumirr Park skatepark and recreation precinct – completed in 2023
- Stage 7 – the Sandhills Wetlands project - underway
- Stage 8 – Upgrades to underground drainage connecting Byron Street and the Sandhills Wetlands. This work is currently in the design phase.
This project is funded by the NSW Public Open Spaces Legacy Program and the Australian Government through the Emergency Response Fund administered by NSW Reconstruction Authority’s Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program 2022-23.