Customer Service Performance & Standards

Illustration of people voting and providing feedback on a giant white board

We provide great customer service by:  

  • being respectful, proactive and friendly
  • listening and actively seeking solutions
  • providing accurate and timely information.

As customers, you can help us by:

  • providing relevant and accurate information
  • treating staff with respect and courtesy
  • respecting the privacy and rights of other community members.

All Council staff are ‘customer service officers’. We are available to listen to and answer your questions and concerns. 

We report on how we are meeting our Customer Service Standards. See the results in the information below.

Our community survey also measures customer satisfaction every two years. View the most recent community survey results

Our Promises

We promise to: 

  • answer calls quickly
  • have staff available at our Mullumbimby Service Centre during business hours to respond to your enquiries
  • keep Council's website and online services running 
  • acknowledge emails to immediately and provide initial responses to emails quickly
  • for development services - to determine development applications under delegation in an average of 70 days and modification applications in an average of 50 days 
  • for building services - to have 80% of construction certificate applications processed in less than 28 working days and 80% of complying development certificate applications in less than 20 working days
  • for residents using Report It services - to immediately provide an acknowledgement that includes a reference number
  • address issues reported with household waste, green waste or recycling bin services resolved within 2 business days.

Customer Service Performance Reports 

We report on how we are meeting our Customer Service Standards. We provide performance reports in the tables below.

Our community survey also measures customer satisfaction every two years. View the most recent community survey results.  

Promise March 2024 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Not Achieved- 98.9%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time.

Achieved- 98.9% for Council online services.

Emails to 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 110 days. Achieved - average 77 days.
Construction certificate applications - 70% processed in less than 28 working days. Achieved - 79%
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved- average 1.18 business days in response to 1131 requests.
Emails to - initial response provided within 7 days. Measurement not yet available


Promise March 2024 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Not Achieved- 98.9%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time.

Achieved- 98.9% for Council online services.

Emails to 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not Achieved - average 96 days, median 72 days.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Achieved - average 43 days, median 30 days.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Achieved - 83%
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. No complying development certificates issued in this period.
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved- average 1.12 business days in response to 1131 requests.
Emails to initial response provided within 7 days. Measurement not yet available


Promise March 2024 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved- 99.9%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time.

Achieved- 99.9% for Council online services.

Emails to 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not Achieved - average 84 days, median 77 days.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Not Achieved - average 56 days, median 36 days.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Achieved - 80%
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. Achieved - 100%
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved- average 1.32 business days in response to 1422 requests.
Emails to initial response provided within 7 days. Measurement not yet available


Promise December 2023 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved- 99.9%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time.

Achieved- 99.9% for Council online services.

Emails to 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not Achieved - average 91 days, median 52 days.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Achieved - average 45 days, median 25 days.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Achieved - 90%
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. Achieved - 85%
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved- average 1.35 business days in response to 1046 requests.
Emails to initial response provided within 7 days. Measurement not yet available


Promise June 2023 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved- 99.9%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time.

Achieved- 99.7% for Council online services.

Emails to - 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved.
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not Achieved- average 140 days, median 107 days.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Achieved- average 45 days, median 25 days.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Achieved- 90%
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. Achieved- 83%
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved.
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved- average 1.61 business days in response to 1172 requests.
Emails to - initial response provided within 7 days. Measurement not yet available.
Promise March 2023 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved- 99.9%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time.

Achieved- 99.7% for Council online services.

Emails to 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved.
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not Achieved- average 140 days, median 107 days.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Achieved- average 45 days, median 25 days.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Achieved- 90%
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. Achieved- 83%
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved.
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved- average 1.61 business days in response to 1172 requests.
Emails to initial response provided within 7 days. Measurement not yet available.
Promise December 2022 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved - 99.0%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time.

Achieved - 99.0% for Council online services.

Emails to - 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved.
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not Achieved - average 159 days, median 118 days.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Not Achieved - average 69 days, median 26 days.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Achieved - 91%
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. Achieved - 100%
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved.
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved - average 1.43 business days in response to 967 requests.
Emails to - initial response provided within 7 days.  Measurement not yet available.


Promise September 2022 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved - 99.9%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved - 99.9% for Council online services. 
Emails to 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved.
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not achieved - average124 days, median 96 days.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Not achieved - average 65 days, median 42 days.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Achieved - 93%.
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. Achieved - 100%.
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved.
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved- average 1.38 business days in response to 962 requests 
 Emails to - with initial responses provided within 7 days.  Measurement not yet available.



Promise March 2022 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved - 99.9%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time. Not achieved - 96.7% for Council online services. Power loss during February floods resulted in loss of website services during blackout.
Emails to - 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved.
Emails to - with initial responses provided within 7 days. Measurement not yet available.
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not achieved- average103 days, median 77 days.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Not achieved - average 81 days, median 39 days.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Not Achieved - 59%.
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. Achieved - 81%.
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved.
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved - average 1.45 business days in response to 631 requests.


Promise December 2021 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved - 99.99%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved - 99.99%.
Emails to - 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved.
Emails to - with initial responses provided within 7 days. Measurement not yet available.
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not achieved - average 103 days, median 73 days.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Achieved - average 49 days, median 37 days.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Not achieved - 66%.
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. Not achieved - 67%.
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved.
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved- average 1.34 business days in response to 595 requests.
Promise June 2024 Progress update
Website - Website available for customers to use 99% of the time. Achieved - 99.9%.
Website - Online services available for customers to use 99% of the time.

Achieved - 99.5%.

Emails to - 100% acknowledged immediately. Achieved.
Average time to determine development applications delegated to staff - 70 days. Not Achieved - average 88 days*.
Average time to determine modification applications delegated to staff - 50 days. Not Achieved - average 53 days*.
Construction certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 28 working days. Not Achieved - 78%*.
Complying development certificate applications - 80% processed in less than 20 working days. Achieved - 80%.
'Report It' services - 100% of customers using 'Report It' receive acknowledgement with a reference number. Achieved.
Household waste, green waste and recycling bin requests for service resolved within 2 business days. Achieved - average 1.4 business days in response to 962 requests.

*This is a reflection of the volume of applications.