Council adopted the Residential Strategy at the 10 December 2020 Planning meeting.
The Strategy was forwarded to the NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) for final endorsement.
DPIE requested a peer review of the Strategy which was finalised in early 2022.
For more information visit Residential Strategy
About the Residential Strategy
The Residential Strategy sets a clear vision and policy framework for the Shire’s urban residential lands. How we deliver future housing will influence the form of our towns and villages at the lot, street and neighbourhood level.
We want our residents to feel part of a community where there is a choice of homes to suit their current and future needs, in a town or village that reflects its own unique identity and local character.
Draft Residential Strategy – Additional investigation areas
Following the public exhibition of the draft Residential Strategy in August to October 2019, submissions were received from landowners expressing an interest in having their land designated for residential land purposes in the Strategy.
Council considered the landowner submissions at the Council Planning meeting of 18 June 2020. They resolved to support the Residential Strategy being updated to include six additional sites as investigation areas in the Strategy, and that further consultation take place with community and government agencies.