Changes for artisan food and drink
The proposed changes were adopted by Council and become effective 13 December 2024.
The changes include new rules for the artisan food and drink industry in appropriate locations, including support with carparking and bicycle spaces.
These changes appear in:
- Chapter B4 - Table B4.1 on page 15.
- Chapter D5 - pages 11 and 12.
Take a look at the latest Byron Shire DCP 2014
Chapter E5
Council received a request to amend Chapter E5 Certain locations in Byron Bay and Ewingsdale, of the Byron Development Control Plan (DCP) 2014.
Key proposed changes included:
- Controls for design and sustainability of future dwellings to respond to the environmentally sensitive site.
- A control to prohibit the keeping of cats and dogs within the area.
- A control to limit the building footprint for each dwelling.
Consultation closed on 23 February 2024.
All feedback was reported to Council on 18 April 2024.
Chapters B1 – Biodiversity and B2 – Tree and Vegetation Management
Early in 2024 we asked for feedback on changes to the Byron Development Control Plan (DCP) 2014 Chapters B1 – Biodiversity and B2 – Tree and Vegetation Management.
The changes were made to:
The review identified a number of improvements were needed in the DCP 2014 Biodiversity and Tree Management Chapters and Part A Preliminary.
Key Changes
- Removal of Wildlife Corridors as a red flag, to allow the wildlife corridor map to be used to help prioritise and encourage wildlife habitat restoration, rather than unnecessarily constraining existing permitted land uses.
- Specific provisions for infill development in existing urban zones, including:
- Introduction of a clear definition.
- Amended requirements for ecological setbacks.
- Inclusion of additional performance criteria that prioritise avoiding and minimising development impacts and facilitate alternative solutions to improve biodiversity.
- Expansion of compensatory planting requirements to apply to development assessments, as well as tree and vegetation removal works that fall outside of the DA process.
Changes to the DCP structure
- Consolidating all definitions and Biodiversity Planning Principles into Part A,
- Deletion of duplicated or superseded legislation,
- Clarifying objectives, performance criteria, prescriptive measures and guidance notes.
Chapter B1 Biodiversity applies to development applications that involve the removal of high environmental value vegetation, or vegetation on land with sensitive attributes, such as waterways, ecological features, or cultural heritage.
Chapter B2 has been reassigned as Chapter F1 Tree and Vegetation Management as it applies when vegetation removal is sought outside of a development application process. A new Part F of DCP 2014 has been created for this purpose.