New Federal Village Heritage Area and Items

Information sessions to be held Friday 7 February 2025

Image of a heritage house in Federal

Earlier in 2024, we asked for feedback on a proposal to include the Federal Village Heritage Conservation Area, and 12 new heritage items, in the Byron Local Environmental Plan.  

Listing the items in Byron Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 will ensure future development will respect their heritage value.

Our Heritage Advisor has assessed the items for suitability. They were then endorsed by the Heritage Advisory Committee.

Next steps

We are offering face-to-face meetings with Federal property owners affected by the recently exhibited Federal Village Heritage Conservation Area and additional Items planning proposal. 

The purpose of the meetings is to assist property owners to gain further understanding of what Heritage Conservation Areas and or a Heritage Item listing means. This will also be an opportunity to discuss any concerns with Council’s Heritage Advisor and planning staff.

Meetings will take place Friday 7 February, between 9:30am and 12:30pm, at the Council Chambers at 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby. 

A booking schedule for 15-minute appointments with Council's Heritage Adviser and Council Staff is now available. Click on the link below to make a booking.

Make appointment

Note: Open the booking form and navigate to the 7 February 2025 to select an available appointment time.

Further Information

During the development of the Federal Village Masterplan, the community expressed a desire to preserve the built heritage and rural character of the village.

An action from the Federal Masterplan was to conduct a heritage assessment of the area. This will help inform whether or not a Heritage Conservation Area is established.  

The purpose of a Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) is to protect the significance and setting of the precinct:

  • the streetscapes,
  • contributory buildings,
  • leafy road reserves,
  • open spaces,
  • landscape, and
  • views.

It provides a basis to manage change in a way that retains those values.

It is not about no development, but about the type and scale of development that is appropriate to maintain those values into the future. 

Heritage Items are places which have identified heritage values, and which are managed by formal planning policies. Sympathetic development is permissible provided it retains those heritage values.

In NSW, development applications are required to:

  • carry out demolition,
  • construct new buildings,
  • renovate existing buildings (including constructing extensions, swimming pools and shopfronts), and
  • also, in instances of some changes of use, regardless of heritage listing or Heritage Conservation Area status.

Because Federal lies in a water-catchment zone, all development in the area already requires development approval.

If you have a property that is a Heritage Item or within Heritage Conservation Areas, you will need approval before doing some works. 

These are typically replacement or rectification works that would be considered exempt development if the site was not a local heritage item or in a heritage conservation area, and include:

  • like for like repair of a malfunctioning window
  • replacing rusty gutters and downpipes to match original details
  • restoring a front verandah.

View the Heritage Development Exemption Request service