We heard a wide range of comments and suggestions during consultation, ranging from big long-term projects to minor improvements.
The following summarises key topics raised by the community and other stakeholders.
Road safety, slowing traffic, connected active transport links and the need for improved public transport were some of the most common comments.
Environment and Open Spaces
- Looking after the beautiful natural environment and caring for country was a key theme throughout the engagement.
- Community provided lots of suggestions to improve our parks, beaches and open spaces and make them more accessible and enjoyable for all.
Village Feel and Community Building
- People told us that a greater level of indigenous recognition and inclusion would benefit the community.
- We heard there is a need for a greater focus on youth and there is a need to create more opportunities and events aimed at young people.
- Regular local community events, public art, welcome and way finding signage were also common suggestions.
- Flood and drainage works, planning and the need for greater communication was a key topic raised through consultation.
- Suggestions to increase resilience and improve emergency preparedness through events, community building and education programs were also discussed.
Read a more detailed summary What We Heard Community Engagement New-Brighton, South Golden Beach(PDF, 2MB)