Public Road Subdivision as Exempt Development

Feedback closed 27 February 2025

We would like your feedback on a planning proposal that seeks to amend the Byron Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 - Public Road Subdivision as Exempt Development.

The objective of the planning proposal is to include public road subdivision as an item within Schedule 2 Exempt Development of the Byron LEP 2014.

The amendment will allow Council to efficiently subdivide and close Council-owned roads without having to meet the minimum-lot size required to subdivide land in that particular zone.

The subdivision and closure of Council owned roads is a regular function of Council and including it in Schedule 2 is considered to be the most efficient means for doing this.

Council is required to finalise this planning proposal by 17 July 2025.

Policy Changes to the Local Environmental Plan

Insertion into Schedule 2 Exempt Development of the Byron LEP 2014; “Subdivision of Council public roads: Must relate to land comprising a council public road proposed for closure under the Roads Act 1993, Part 4, Division 3”.