Council offices, depot, Cavanbah Centre, Tip & Re-Market Tip Shop will be closed on Monday 27 January 2025. For emergencies call the after-hours line 02 6622 7022. For anything else Report it online
If your home is not connected to Council’s sewerage system, you may have an Onsite Sewage Management (OSSM) system, such as:
Some of the most popular types of on-site sewage management systems provide general information to help you maintain your system effectively.
Poorly maintained systems can significantly affect you and your family's health as well as the local environment.
Find out more about managing onsite sewage system, getting approval and read the On-site Sewage Management Strategy and Guidelines.
If need to get approval from Council to install a new on-site sewage management system or alter an existing system on your property.
Download Approval to install or amend an onsite sewage management system application form(PDF, 179KB)
The NSW Government requires an 'Approval to Operate' an on-site sewage management system for all sewage management systems.
This means that Council must issue an Approval to Operate for every existing on-site sewage management system in the shire.
Currently there are around 4000 on-site sewage management systems on Council's register.
If you have an on-site sewage management system and have not submitted an application for approval to operate you are required to fill out the Approval to Operate System Sewage Management application form below and send it to Council.
New Owners - If you have recently bought a property that uses an on-site sewage management system, there is a period of three months in which to make an Application for an Approval to Operate.
Approval to operate an onsite sewage management system application form(PDF, 152KB)
These example standard designs are provided as a guide to what components should be included when designing and installing one of the following designs. The designs are only “examples” of how these systems can be installed. Designers and installers should consult AS 1547 for additional details.
Fact sheet 1
What is an onsite sewage management system?(PDF, 567KB)
Fact sheet 2
How a basic septic tank works(PDF, 545KB)
Fact sheet 3
Management of your septic tank(PDF, 2MB)
Fact sheet 4
Care and maintenance of your onsite sewage management system(PDF, 718KB)
Fact sheet 5
Water conservation and your onsite sewage management system(PDF, 852KB)
Fact sheet 6
Onsite sewage management system roles and responsibilities(PDF, 614KB)
Fact sheet 7
Septic tank decommissioning procedure and pump out contractors(PDF, 878KB)
Fact sheet 8
Onsite sewage management complaints(PDF, 989KB)
Fact sheet 9
Onsite sewage management fee(PDF, 545KB)
Fact sheet 10
Commercial onsite sewage management system applications(PDF, 1MB)
Fact sheet 11
Guide to lodging an application for a new or to alter an onsite sewage management system(PDF, 684KB)
Onsite sewage management fee(PDF, 558KB)