Development Application Process Step by step information on the researching, lodging and receiving approval for development in the Byron Shire.
How to Lodge a Development Application, Modifications & Reviews Lodge a Development Application (DA), including modifications and reviews, with Council using the NSW Planning Portal.
DA Tracker The Development Application Tracker allows you to view DA's, see what's on exhibition, make a submission on a DA, track progress and see what has been determined.
Development Guidelines & Tools These are our guidelines and tools to help you when planning to build, renovate or lodge a development application.
Make a Submission on a DA If you need to make a submission on a DA on exhibition, here is some useful information to consider.
Developer Contributions Information about how development contributions are collected in the Byron Shire and how to make payments.
Request a Fee Quote Use the form below to request a quote for an application and/or associated works at the front boundary of your property. Quotes are valid for 90 days from the date of issue.
Deferred Commencement Learn what to do if your development application has deferred commencement conditions. How to meet those conditions and submitting a request for operational consent.