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Council offices are open with limited face-to-face services. Please call, email or report online.Bin collection resumes Monday.Call 02 6626 7000After-hours 02 6622 7022Report non-urgent issues online
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Before you start any development or building works you will need to check what approvals are needed.
Getting advice early can save you time and reduce costs.
Check out our range of development advice services to help you get started.
All building work must be carried out in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and relevant Australian Standards.
There are different pathways for getting building approval:
Property owners can choose the following to be your Principle Certifying Authority:
The Principle Certifying Authority:
If using a private certifier, you must complete and return a Notice of Commencement application form before works start.
Depending on your development type, you may not need approval.
Check to see if your development is Exempt or Complying development
Our Development Support Officers can help you decide what approvals you need.