Temporary housing villages have been constructed in Mullumbimby and Brunswick Heads for people who had their homes damaged by the floods.
The housing is managed by NSW Government in conjunction with local community housing providers.
The site is located between Prince and Station streets on land owned by Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE).
Site information
The site is located on Torakina Road and Kingsford Drive on Council and privately owned land.
The site is located at 125 Tweed Street behind the Brunswick Heads Sports Fields on Council owned land.
Contact Service NSW on
This option is no longer available as it has been more than 2 years since the last extreme (declared) weather event in the Northern Rivers.
For more information Temporary housing for flood-affected Northern Rivers region | NSW Government.
Phone Link2home on 1800 152 152, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.