Tyagarah Airfield

Illustration of a plane for Tyagarh Airfield.png

Tyagarah Airfield is midway between Brunswick Heads and Byron Bay.

It is approximately one mile inland from the coast. Six nautical miles bearing 280º magnetic from Cape Byron Lighthouse.

Radio procedure

Local frequency is 127.55 

Some aircraft are not fitted with radio and incoming pilots should assume that other pilots may not be aware of their presence. 

Aircraft Landing Area

Tyagarah Aircraft Landing Area is not a certified or registered Airfield in accordance with the Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Part 139.

Parachuting operations, including parachute landings, are conducted at the Tyagarah Airfield. There is also considerable ultralight aircraft activity.

Manned balloon activities, including launching and landing, occur on private land adjacent to the Tyagarah Airfield. Balloon landings are not permitted at Tyagarah Airfield.

There is no designated helicopter landing area at Tyagarah Airfield, and commercial helicopter operations are not permitted.

Aircraft with a maximum take off weight (MTOW) in excess of 5,700kg, or having a main landing gear tyre pressure in excess of 450 kilopascals (65 psi), or any jet powered aircraft are not permitted to land at Tyagarah Airfield.

Tyagarah Airfield has no night landing facilities and there are no public refuelling facilities.

If the runway is closed for any reason, a white cross will be displayed beside the main windsock. Display of this cross indicates that no aircraft (including ultralights) may land at that time.

Under Civil Aviation Regulation 92(1) (d), it is an offence for a person to land or lake off from a place which is not “suitable for use as an aerodrome for the purposes of landing and taking off of aircraft; having regard to all the circumstances of the proposed land or take off (including prevailing weather conditions), the aircraft can land at or take off from the place of safety. A pilot in command of an aircraft must establish where he/she intends landing or taking off can be done, in the aircraft which he/she is operating, in safety and in accordance with all the applicable data and regulations.

Landing area details

Visit the Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) website for more information.

 Runway Length  920 metres between gable markers – 1150 metres overall 
 Runway Width   15 metres
 Runway Strip Width

 40 metres between gable markers – includes runway

 7.5 metres each side of runway strip.

 Fly Over Area   Clear of objects above 5% 
 Approach and Take Off Area   Nil – fly over area only
 Direction    05-23 
 Surface    Grass 


Ancillary details

  • Airstrip uses left hand (anti-clockwise) circuit.
  • Bitumen taxiway.
  • Tie down area on right (east) of taxiway, bring own spikes and rope.
  • Single windsock available alongside tie down area.
  • No public telephone facilities at the airstrip.

Penetrations through OLS

An accurate survey of the obstacle limitation surface (OLS) for the airfield has been completed and the results identified 566 trees as penetrating the OLS at various points, directions and distances from the airfield. Pilots are advised to consider this information when making assessments about the use of the Tyagarah airfield for landings and take off manoeuvres.

Council has treated 255 of these obstacles with a further 311 still remaining. Stage two of treatment works is anticipated to commence in the second half of 2017.

Paying for parking and landing fees

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Tyagarah airstrip has a parking and landing fee shelter at the north-east corner of the designated parking area where you can find the parking and landing sign indicating fees payable. 

You can pay for parking and landing at Tyagarah Airstrip on your phone using the PayStay app.

Failure to pay the appropriate fees will incur an additional administration fee.

For instructions on using the PayStay app go to Council's PayStay info page.

For a detailed list of all Tyagarah airstrip landing fees go to Byron Shire Council Fees and Charges.


We are not the authority for flying drones and the laws of use.

Contact the Civil Aviation Safety Authority for information about drone rules:

Contact the Civil Aviation Safety Authority on 131 757.


  • Midway between Brunswick Heads and Byron Bay, approximately one mile inland from the coast.
  • Six nautical miles bearing 280º magnetic from Cape Byron Lighthouse.


Pacific Motorway, Tyagarah 2481  View Map

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