Young People

Students participating in youth challenge

We regularly check in with young people in the Byron Shire about what’s important, and include you in community-wide decisions.  

We also work with community organisations, schools and groups to make Byron Shire a great place for young people to live, work and play.


We work with community organisations, schools and groups to make Byron Shire a great place for young people to live, work and play.

The way we will do this is:

For more information about how Council works with and for young people or for assistance with projects or grants, please contact the Social and Cultural Planning team on 6626 7000.

Youth Challenge

In 2019, Council piloted a five week program for high school students. The program was designed to introduce young citizens to Local Government, and provide a chance to highlight a particular issue that is important, and to then work with Council to find a solution. 

Through the program the ‘wicked problem’ identified was “How can we reduce food waste in the Byron Shire?”. The group worked with a number of staff from across the organisation, Councillors, and a representative from North East Waste to consider the issue and research possible solutions.  The goal for further development in 2020 is “That businesses in the Byron Shire have zero food waste to landfill by the time we finish school in 2021”.

Council are planning to offer another Youth Challenge for different group of young people later in 2020. If you are interested in further information contact Council or your local school.

Small Change Grants

If you have a great idea, we’d love to hear about it! Each year, Council funds programs created by young people for young people. If you’re aged between 15 and 25 and live in Byron Shire, you are invited to apply. 

The aim of the grants program is to provide a voice for young people, support young people to be actively involved in designing, planning and running activities and events, and gain experience in leadership roles.

Council calls for applications in early September each year. Further details will be posted on Council's website when applications are open. 

National Youth Week

Held each year in April, National Youth Week is the largest celebration of young people in Australia. The 10-day event encourages thousands of 12 - 24 year olds from across Australia to have fun, showcase their artistic and creative talents and learn new skills through a range of community activities and events.

Youth Profile

Council subscribes to the ID suite of data resources. The suite includes Community Profile information, a Social Atlas and Economic data for Byron Shire. A range of demographic trends pertaining to Byron’s young people are available. For further information please refer to the Byron Shire Community profile on the id Population Experts website. 

Services and Spaces for Young People

Byron Youth Service

Byron Youth Service (BYS) is a not-for-profit charity incorporated association committed to providing services for young people between the ages of 12 - 24 years.  They run outreach programs throughout the Byron Shire. Council supports the Street Cruise program run by the Byron Youth Service.

For more information please see their Byron Youth Service website.

Recreation including Skate parks

Council have several skate parks and other sport and recreational areas.

For a full list, visit our Parks and Reserves pages.

There are a number of activities available for children and young people in Council managed halls and venues. To view the calendars of what's on, or to book a venue for an event or activity, please refer to the Love Byron Halls webpage.

Youth Engagement

Two forums were held in 2018 where information was collected from young people. We use this information when talking to government and other agencies about what young people have told us they want. The reports from these forums are available by contacting Council.

In addition, Council will work more closely with service providers, organisations and schools to engage young people more effectively in Council projects, to ensure the voice of young people is captured in planning for the future.

We will use best practice tools and resources to engage with young people from the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) and the Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP).

Schoolies in Byron Bay is not an organised event. Byron Bay is a destination that young people come to.

Schoolies usually happens in late November each year.

Council has no official role in planning Schoolies activities or promoting Schoolies Week.

NSW Police take the lead on community safety. The Police prepare for the increase in school leavers and aim to ensure everyone has a great time in the safest possible way.

Much of Byron Bay’s CBD is an alcohol-free zone. Council and Police enforce these zones year-round, including during Schoolies Week.

We work with the NSW Police and other community organisations such as Red Frogs and the Byron Youth Service who provide services during the Schoolies Week period.

Council has provided funding to the Red Frogs and Byron Youth Service to support the services they will run during this time.

Red Frogs

The Red Frog volunteers will be there to talk to and support young people. The Red Frogs crew offer:

  • Walks home at the end of the night.
  • Pancakes.
  • Water stations.
  • Room visits.
  • Games.
  • Room cleans.
  • Emotional support throughout the Schoolies time.

Check out the Red Frogs website 

Info for Parents - Red Frogs

Info for Schoolies/Leavers - Red Frogs.

Byron Youth Service

The Byron Youth Service (BYS) will run the Street Cruise program. This is aimed at reducing harm and connecting teenagers with information and services. Street Cruise will run on Friday and Saturday nights during the main week of Schoolies. 

Contact details

Byron Shire Council’s Youth Challenge introduces young people to Local Government. 

The challenge is a five week program targeting high school students. It provides an opportunity to talk about issues that affect you and how we might be able to solve them together. 

See media release below from our current YouthSay Team of students from Mullumbimby High School from years 9 and 10. 

If you want to get involved in the next YouthSay you can contact Council on 02 6626 7000 or talk to the teachers at your local school. 

Youth Week is an annual celebration of young people from 12-25 years of age. It provides opportunities for young people to share ideas, attend live events, workshops, activities and forums. Youth Week is held in April every year and celebrates the contribution of young people to the community.

To find out more visit the Youth Week website.

The Suffolk Skate Park

Located at Beech Drive, the skate park has a wide variety of structures including; a small bowl, small ledge, rail, quarter pipes, a ¾ bowl, banks and a triangle. The latest upgrades have also included a new section of ramps, rails and stairs. 

Bangalow Skate Park

The skate park is located at the far end of the sporting fields at Bangalow Sports Fields Complex and features a bowl, hips, rails, ledges and banks.

Mullumbimby Skate Park

Mullumbimby Skate park is located in the recreation grounds in Jubilee Avenue. The skate park has a number of interconnecting bowls and includes structures such as: half pipes, quarter pipes, ledges and great banks.

Brunswick Heads Skate Park

Located at the edge of town, near the Pacific Hwy, the park features include a 6 foot bowl, a small box, triangle, large ledges and large rails complete with a shelter, benches and water bubbler.

Federal Skate Park

Located on Federal Rd near the corner of Binna Burra Rd, the park features include several quarter pipes and a bowl.

Council provides local area profiles of demographic and economic data through ID. The youth statistics highlight the situation of young people in the Byron Shire.

To access the data and tools, please visit the Byron Shire Community Profile on the ID website