Use the PayStay app to pay for metered parking in the Byron Shire, plus search for parking by time restriction and location.
How do I use PayStay?
Park in a PayStay zone
- Open the PayStay app or call 1300 322 111
- select or enter your vehicle registration.
- enter the 8 digit parking zone number displayed on the parking signs.
- start the Parking Session.
Finished parking
- Open the PayStay app or call 1300 322 111
- stop the Parking Session.
Watch the video for more information
Trouble viewing? Watch PayStay Pay-by-phone instructional video on YouTube.
Tips for using PayStay
- Time restrictions begin when you park the car, not from when you start your PayStay session.
- If you wish to park for longer than the time on the sign (for example, more than two hours in a ‘2P’ area), you must first move your vehicle to a new parking area.
- You can elect to receive an SMS reminder when your session is due to expire. Fees do apply. To set your preferences and turn off reminders, go to Vehicle & Card Details in the app. Refer to PayStay Fees Guide for more details.
- Parking sessions are only valid if your vehicle registration and zone number are correct. Take a second to check you’ve selected the correct details. Be careful not mix up the letter ‘O’ for a zero in your vehicle registration!
- If your handset isn’t working, use the parking meter instead.