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Council offices are open with limited face-to-face services. Please call, email or report online.Bin collection resumes Monday.Call 02 6626 7000After-hours 02 6622 7022Report non-urgent issues online
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This educational campaign encourages residents, businesses, and visitors to keep their waste out of drains and easements to:
We have found everything from tree branches to old fridges and children’s toys dumped in drains and easements, and this causes all sorts of issues for our drainage system. Drains get blocked and flash flooding occurs, which can then damage properties from drains overflowing.
Dumping things such as garden waste can also contaminate our waterways. It is also illegal under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, and people can face a big fine for doing so.
Items found in Simpsons Creek on Clean-up Australia Day
Palm fronds illegally dumped in the drain
Illegal dumping at Azalea Street
This campaign is funded by the NSW Government in association with Byron Shire Council.