Mullumbimby Hospital redevelopment

The former Mullumbimby Hospital site is rare flood-free land in Mullum.   

We are looking at ways to use the site with a mix of housing and other community facilities and services.

Multiple parts are needed to achieve this including:

  • Remediation works - Completed. 
  • A Site Strategy and Urban Design Protocol - adopted by Council in December 2022.
  • A Planning Proposal - developed based on the Site Strategy and Urban Design Protocol, and proposes changes to zoning, land uses, and building height.
  • An Enquiry by Design process - to develop community informed concept plan options.
  • Feasibility Assessment – to inform refinement of the concept plans 
  • A site-specific Development Control Plan
  • Community input 

Planning Proposal

The Planning Proposal will amend the Local Environmental Plan 2014 (LEP) to enable housing and community facilities on the site. 

The majority of the site (excluding the aged care facility) will be changed to a residential zone and building height limits will be increased from 9m to 11.5m.

The NSW Department Planning Housing and Infrastructure is currently finalising these changes, which should be in place by mid-2024. 

This follows a consultation period in early 2024 and Council’s endorsement of the proposal at its meeting in March.

See the Your Say page on our website to see the Planning Proposal documents.

The proposed amendments to the LEP will set a platform for the future design and development of the site.

Enquiry By Design

We held a community feedback session which fed into an Enquiry by Design workshop with key stakeholders last year to develop concept plans.

Stakeholders included:

  • Community representatives
  • Indigenous groups
  • Community housing providers
  • State Government
  • Collective and committee members

Download to review the High level concepts of the 3 plans developed at the workshop(PDF, 3MB).

In 2024 Council will consider matters for the site such as:

  • Its future tenure – who will live there and when.
  • The percentage of housing types including affordable and rental housing.
  • The portion of funds required from the site’s development to repay the contaminated land debt. 

A Development Control Plan will then be prepared based on the preferred concept plan option.

We'll ask the community for feedback on the concept plan options and the Development Control Plan chapter.