We would like your feedback on a proposal that seeks to amend the Byron Local Environment Plan (LEP) 2014.
The aim of the proposal is to:
- Extend the existing R2 Low Density Residential Zone
- Rezone part of the land to R3 Medium Density Residential Zone at 68 Rankin Drive Bangalow
This site is identified in the Byron Residential Strategy 2041 and Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme.
When this property is upzoned, it will be the first to activate the Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme 01 in the Shire.
The Scheme enables future contributions toward affordable rental housing for our community when the land is developed.
View the Exhibition documents and provide your feedback using the online form.
You can also provide feedback in writing or email:
Attention: Kristy Hughes, Project Planner
Feedback closes 20 December 2024.