Bush Regeneration

Clare tree planting credit W Gibney 600x400px.jpg

Find out more about what our bush regeneration team do and get bush regen tips from Dave.

Our Bush Regeneration team works with community volunteers on a range of sites across the Byron Shire.

Their work addresses threats to our fauna, flora and endangered ecological communities. 

All sites are areas of high conservation value.

  • 65% provide habitat for threatened species and/or endangered ecological communities.
  • 79% occur in identified wildlife corridors.

Weed control

Much of the regeneration team’s work focuses on weed control.

More than 160 environmental weed species have been identified at project sites, including weeds of national significance such as Bitou Bush and Lantana.

The team also targets weeds identified at a regional and State level as key threats to the survival of endangered ecological communities. These include:

  • Morning Glory
  • Madeira vine
  • Cat’s Claw Creeper
  • Winter Senna
  • Ochna
  • Camphor Laurel. 

A Bush Futures audit of bush land health has reported that 100% of the 350 hectares of Council-managed bush land is affected by threats including weeds, dumping and encroachment.

Chemical free Camphor Laurel management 

Discover how camphor laurel can be managed to encourage rainforest growth without using chemicals.

Watch the Chemical Free Rainforest Management video on YouTube

Bush regeneration tips

Meet Dave, one of Byron Shire Council's Bush Regeneration Officers.

Dave is passionate about supporting our local environment and biodiversity. Through his series of bush tip videos, we hope to share with the wider community some simple ways you can support our bush regeneration team in their mission.

Watch Episode 1 Those pesky palm fronds